Monday, December 1, 2008

Been A While!

Hello, I'm back! ok, I have been busy, baby Gavin is getting big, already going to be 1 next month!.....where does the time go!?...I have to thank WEEEZEEE for getting me back to my blog...I will try to maintain, I have tons to add to it, so love yazz and have a nice day.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Hello all, ok so it's been a while, but I promised myself I would not be a lazy blogger. I had the baby, FINALLY! Jan. 3rd, wasn't that late, just 3 days later from the due date, he is gorgeous and is now a month and three weeks,we went to our check up the day before yesterday, he is ten and a half pounds and 23 inches long but you can see the gorgeousness ( on his third day here on earth ) over at, it is our website, more of an album so enjoy. I will get the hang of this "personalizing of my page" a little later and learn some things so it can be a nicer page for you all to come and look at and enjoy, well you all have a great day and I will make this a more interesting blog in the days to come.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


I hope you all had fun last night! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!, I am still waiting for baby, he is just so comfy where he is at that he is taking his sweet time, and who blames him, this world is insane! some people say why would you want to bring a child into this CRAZY WORLD with all that is going on , I say we cannot think that way, and who knows, we may be bringing up the next president who CLEAN UP THIS CRAZY WORLD! lol, I am nuts though, 3 KIDS!!! hahaha oh well, I'm more than ok with that, well enough I shall go and relax the rest of the day and hope something wonderful happens..LIKE BIRTH! HA!
